Friday 18 January 2008

The Defective Spoon

Found this from YouTube user Vendel via JREF and cracked up. Uri Geller has to be one of the biggest wankers of my lifetime... Bring on the pisstake...

4 gems of wisdom:

Poodles said...

I really hate Uri Geller.

Protium the Heathen said...

I hate the fact he is a down right lier. He's had ample opportunities to come clean and admit he's a magician.

Fiery said...

ok, so if you really want to impress me, put the thing back together again.

who is the arse hair I've never heard of him.

I haven't heard of a lot of people, but y'all seem to know him. Where have I been not looking that he pops up?

SouthLoopScot said...

Wanker indeed!