Sunday 20 April 2008

No Cream, No Nivea, No Vaseline, No nothing!... WTF?

What a pile of Islamotard toss! I reckon he's getting the HORN thinking about it. I wonder how many women got raped after this pathetic tirade. Sick fucks!

4 gems of wisdom:

Canterbury Atheists said...

1.)What the hell is a ‘musk’ cushion? Can I get one online at Peaches & Cream?
2.)What Hair! What Chest! What Thighs! What Legs! But what’s in it for the arse men fella?
3.)So much softness. Oxymoronic given the subject matter.
4.)Wine is Allah’s heavenly reward for tea-tottlers. Another plus for drinking beer in my books.
5.)This dude is wearing a pink shawl. Pays to advertise I suppose.
6.)Just ten black eyed virgins? Look I’m not converting till there’s at least two dozen and they’re of Scandinavian extraction.
7.)I doubt it was the face he last applied any Nivea or Vaseline.
Want to exchange links?

Protium the Heathen said...

Fiery: Scary isn't it?

Bender: Good to see you here. I think nuking them all is a bit rough but I understand your frustration. I'm sure there's good and bad in every culture/religion but these deluded Islamotards are causing so much damage.

Canterbury Atheists: Wow! a fellow Kiwi... and from my hometown. Great to see you here. You can get a musk cushion by rubbibg it all over sheep or goats genitals and why does the number of virgins keep changing...
I'll stick you on my blogroll...

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Sorry this is off topic but I answered you the best that I can. Let me know if YOU want me to delete your comment. Because I can't keep others from copying it. So, let me know. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I've overcome a lot of obsticles and I'm proud of where I am. I hope that you are too! Hugs!

msms said...

I would say that things are not rectified by getting enraged or using cursing words, but this video is making sense I believe within the context. I would say that I go and blog burning a man in the bushes just to bring a good harvest and get a thousands people's opinion on it wouldn't affect that north americans religious believe on doing such an act but negotiation and respect is the best way to resolve conflicting situations isn't it. If as one of my friend here says that why we let these on earth this raises the smells of barbeque made from human flesh using guns and fireblowers and revenge then comes to play and killings come to action why not just solve things peacefully ha ' no sacrices no finger pointings no regrets'